Burel vs Sakatsume, Dodin vs Barthel, Ponchet vs Arango, Jeanjean vs Waltert, Mladenovic vs Lys, Jacquemot vs Mandlik, Janicijevic vs Noha Akugue, Paquet vs Zacarias, Monnet vs Chwalisnska, Robbe vs ...
The German, ranked 105th in the world at 28, proved more solid and consistent than Ruse in Sunday's final. Victorious in 1 hour 51 and 2 sets, she succeeds Blinkova and will be ranked 70th in the worl...
Chez les messieurs, Paire face à Uchida, Fils face à Arnaldi, Cazaux face à Hanfmann et Grenier face à Rincon.
Chez les dames, Burel face à Tomova et Jeanjean face à Ruse....