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Nicolas Mahut missed that one. He served right in the head of his partner Pierre-Hugues Herbert during the double final of the Australian Open. All is fixed at the end with a little kiss.
Il y a 9 ans
1386 прегледа
Fabio Fognini is inimitable. The Italian had fun by pulling down the chair umpire's sock during his last match in London.
Il y a 8 ans
1278 прегледа
Along Lleyton Hewitt in double for the last tournament of his career at the Australian Open, Sam Groth made a double fault to gave the break to their opponents, on what was probably the last serve of his career. His racquet didn't survived to that.
Il y a 6 ans
1393 прегледа
History of Wimbledon, from origins to nowadays, in precisely one minute. Trough the great champions who made this history, beginning by first winners, Spencer Gore (1877) and Maud Watson (1884).
Il y a 5 ans
10140 прегледа
Francesca Schiavone hit a winning drop shot as the ball from Zhu Lin hit the ground before to pass the net. But the chair umpire didn't see it and the Chinese tell that she don't know anything about it.
Il y a 9 ans
5889 прегледа
Renzo Olivo loses his grip on a serve but still wins the point against Thomaz Bellucci in Santiago.
Il y a 5 ans
7466 прегледа
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